How to pick the right country to study abroad?

2 min readSep 7, 2020

You’re ready to make the leap - You want to study outside your home country. We love that! Studying abroad is a life-changing experience and if you can, you absolutely must do it.

Everyone has a dream destination they want to live in. It could be Paris, Rome, New York, or even by the Serengeti. However, that shouldn’t be the only factor in determining the country you study in.

First, make sure you’re crystal clear on why you’re choosing to study abroad.

If you intend to stay back after your program is done and work there, don’t go to a country that makes it difficult to get a work permit.

If your plan is eventual immigration, then look beyond the work permit as well. Check the criteria for a permanent residency / green card.

For eg: If your goal is eventual migration, then Canada & Australia are two very good options to explore.

If your plan is to return to your home country immediately after studying, then go ahead and follow your heart! But pick the right school/university.

Education is an expensive investment, make sure you do your due diligence before committing. You don’t want to be stuck in a school that didn’t match up to your expectations.

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